This banana the size of my forearm
Users of Reddit, what inspired your username?
Needs to be shorter but not unhappy with it
Found an Oversized Potato Chip
Why would he be doing this?
I’ve failed as a mom
Eggs update
Eggs of some sort?
Are any women attracted to bald men?
Just feeling good today
Painted clay weevil
Painted clay Pachyrrhynchus Orbifer
It hurts my heart my son is small for his age. I don’t know what to say sometimes.
A few beauties seen around
What’s the cringiest pick-up line you’ve been told?
As a parent, do you refuse to call your children?
Slowly getting the fall vibes I want
I’ve abondoned this community for some time now as it was too soul crushing to see all the weevils people find when I’ve been 27 years weevilless
Rough one from my FB
A bottle of meat preserved from the Kentucky Meat Shower, an incident that happened for several minutes between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. on March 3, 1876 where chunks of red meat fell from the sky in a 100-by-50-yard area
Americans, has the debate swayed the way you had planned on voting and why?
Little orange/black, tis the season
Does he need a hat?
Pretty pretty
She noticed me following her