I think we can all agree that instead of those crappy bundle skins that need boot leg battlefields coins we instead return to the systems where you just have to complete challenges for all the camos instead of them being locked behind a paywall
How it feels watching someone wrap their AK with painter’s tape to make an “apocalyptic” build
Tell me you’re old as dirt without telling me you’re old as dirt.
Just gonna leave this here…
Bedside table of a blue house in a red neighborhood, January 2025
I could use some help diagnosing issues with my max 9 if anyone has ideas/info
I've run out of survival kit overviews to watch on YouTube so I made my own
GM told me cracking a double egg means I knocked someone up, and brother I'm shakin in my nonslip clogs
I was sent here by /r/kitchenconfidential
Need some info on amps for PC use
Somewhere off 495
How many of you have good sewing kits?
Heard y’all like filthy Glocks
Norwegian Army Ranger Commandos (HJK) posing at Rena Military Base (2006, Mette Tronvoll) [1024x1024]
Function over fashion
I found a Rhode Island-themed beer at a brewery in Scotland - Newport Craft sells one by the same name
Thought I’d share this fascinating new technical drop in Sudan
"Aurora borealis at this time of year at this time of day in this part of the country localized entirely within your kitchen?!" - Yes
Thought y’all might appreciate this, my first attempt at a paddle holster for my PDP 4.5”
75th Ranger Regiment in their RSOV (Ranger Special Operations Vehicle), based on the British Land Rover Defender 110. 1990s [2160×1299]
Accidental auction purchase
Federal Police rockin' Daniel Defense rifles with the Auto-Sears Removed
First time lib gun owner, hoping the Walther PDP was a solid choice.
What's your plan to vote, Rhode Island?