Can you control your heart rate?
How do I figure out what dose I am on
At what level of running experience/skill would you start training for a marathon
Switching from Ozempic to Hers compound
If I just want to do a marathon without caring about time, is there a difference in training?
New Update for COROS Watches: Execute Your Stryd Power-Based Workouts Natively
Run-Walk Marathon Strategies
Run/walk method 12 month plus review – very happy with it!
Newbie looking for Training Methodology Advice
Lab Results from Keto -> HCLF -> TCD -> PE Diet
Do I just accept $200/mo
3 months, no loss
Differences in formulation?
still hungry
Hit my goal weight - now what?
Has anyone tried a 0.75mg dose instead of going up to 1.0mg?
Why is initial dose .2 instead of .25?
Please suggest Food Noise recommendations. I'm so disgusted with my self!
New to this and wondering where to order from?
Week 1 - how long until the food noise turns off?
My metabolism speeds up when i remove, white sugar, fruit and starch
What’s a typical day of eating for you?
Does anyone NOT have debilitating side effects?
Only 1 hour to go until the Centauri Carbon Launch Livestream!