Need help with a moc
Made a custom stand for 75394
How am I doing as a 27 year old old Forklift driver?
T6 Shuttle moc with wall mount
Which hairpiece for grown up Omega?
My grandparents celebrating 64 years of marriage
It has been two years since i designed this bad boy, It's finally built.
After paying off all your bills, how much do you usually have left in your bank account?
My Current Built Collection
Singapore Haul
What’s the best looking presentation here?
UCS Assault on Hoth #75098
UCS Slave I #75060
At-At display complete
Happy Interstellar (International) Women’s Day! Which character is your favorite (here or otherwise)?
Ahsoka with accurate sabers
What in-flight entertainment?
My new LEGO Room
Long live the Empire!
“We’re still flying half a ship”
I’m not a fan of the midi scale displays. So I’m fixing them :). Acclamator Battle of Geonosis
Lego Haul $260usd
Trump pressured to make Puerto Rico independent to save America $617 billion
Modified Anniversary gift