[US-IA] [H] Many Marvel TBP sets (Krakoa X-men, Dr Strange, She-Hulk, Venom Epics), Image Hardcovers & 1 BOOM Hardcover [W] Paypal
Ordered Immortal Hulk… then found this for $70 down less than 2 days later.. so this is my first omni!
Strange Girl Deluxe Edition
What omni in your collection do you know isn't that popular, or not respected, or maybe even all that good, but you're 100 percent glad you have it all the same
Ever gotten 2 dust jackets?
My whale came in today!
2025 Most Wanted NEW DC Omnibus as voted by r/OmnibusCollectors.
Always crying
What are your top 3 reads in the box?
Best Absolute Cover Yet?
Walmart Kallax Dupe
Someone asked me to make these :
I picked up the DD Shadowland Omnibus because while I heard it's not great, I want to collect as much DD as I can in the Omnibus format. Man, they weren't kidding though, this book was pretty bad. I made a video discussing my full thoughts!
Bomb's away!
Warning to anyone ordering from Organic Priced Books. Their new shipping method is awful.
What if … ? Into The Multiverse Vol. 2
Today's haul, 2 critically acclaimed runs.
What are some omnibuses that you think are overrated and why?
Looks like there is a DCBS exclusive cover to the Green Lantern/Green Arrow Omnibus
The Titan Conan Omnibus Reprints continue with SSoC vol 6 coming August 2025.
My October haul
Dc versus Marvel omnibus?
Got my first tradition style tattoo today! I love how it turned out
Next week marks a year since I started collecting, just recently passed 100 omnis and looking forward to many more next year.
New Release Collected Editions Discussion for Week of 9/9.