Most disturbing username I’ve seen in this game..
احب اخلاق العرب اوي و شهماتهم و تقديرهم للمرأة 😊
صحبتي المسلمة عايزة تواعد واحد ملحد عنده عيل وأنا قلقانة عليها
dating app for exegypt
So every game in every mode is gonna be a sniper's game? it's not fun.
Hot Take (I'm gonna get publicly executed for this)
How much real money have you spend and do you regret it?
Why is this community so butthurt?
What's a minor thing in game that really annoys you?
Can we get some epic operator skins in the credit shop instead of those - for the lack of a better word - Monstrosities.
Unpopular or controversial opinions about the game, I start
سؤال تافه
It is "Fun"
The fact only ranked safeguard counts for this and not the featured mode is a load of malarky
How on earth is this possible?? 120,000+ points???
بنت زقت صاحبتها عليا
Call of Duty: Mobile - S2 Digital Dawn Live Now
مواقف سيئة مريت بيها مع صاحبتي بس اتعلمت حاجة
سؤال للملاحدة
انا شربت حشيش
3 day ban for "Harrassment"
I just joined a Ranked match in progress where the score was 39-21 and I was on the losing side, wtf?!
حلو طوفان الاقصى ياعماد .........انتصرنا ياجدع
نصابين و لا مش نصابين
I keep seeing subtitles but there's no actors on the screen