If I mount a weapon on a vehicle, do I still get XP for using it?
My Best Worst Start
Can I get gas from lighters?
How to acquire a Strange Crystal in Mind over Matter?
Proficiency xp calculation (practice vs craft)
Can you do anything with Involuntary Travelers?
Industrial machinery worth looting?
Using a two way radio
Wiring with window tiles?
What are the effects of being in a portal storm?
Gain Mind Over Matter powers through a portal storm?
Does corpse state matter for dissection xp?
Smoking rack returns fewer chunks of meat?
Time to do the Impossible
Does meat rot faster in or out of a carcass?
Is tea worth making?
How is combined spoilage calculated?
Question on the insert command
Effects of a root cellar
Non-sealed containers and spoiling
What does health affect?
Using snare kits
Boiling water without crafting
Effects of fertilizer?
Most efficient form of wood to burn?