The most beautiful celestite I've seen in my entire life. 💙✨
Rainbow Lattice Sunstone #2
Love when sun hits this ocean jasper tower
Do you guys like flower agate?
A few pieces of labradorite I polished.
Rainbow Lattice Sunstone video someone asked to see. Thank you so much for giving this beautiful Rainbow Lattice Sunstone so much love!
Rainbow Lattice Sunstone video (Thank you for showing it so much love!)
Flashy, chatoyance Hypersthene with flashy yellow Labradorite 🤩
on the shore of lake superior today, found this huge host rock w amethyst veins all over:) Thunder Bay
Rainbow Lattice Sunstone
Rainbow Lattice Sunstone (Most likely from Tanzania)
Flashy Labradorite freeform
Flashy flashy blue Apatite slab 🤩
My boyfriend found this huge crystal in our back yard
Finally scored some of these Dragon Scale Calcite
"Purple Malachite" (Yes, no such thing! Lol) and a furry specimen called Ninja
Super flashy Labradorite freeform! 🤩
Multi Colored Labradorite
What is this?
Morocco Berber Agate (sliced and polished)
Where they come from! My friend Kathie did these slides and her tags are on each one.
She is gorgeous.
Blue Flower Agate obelisk - Love at first sight! 🤩😍
Surprise UV!!