Are natural longish eyelashes attractive for a guy?
first time trying color/glitter lashes, is it too much??
Am I crazy for thinking this is Hazel?
Did I make this painting worse?
Do you guys like the cut or should I change it up?
What is my curl type?
Blonde, dark brown, Light brown ?
First 50 subscribers!
At least try to hide it
What hair colour suits me the best?
[16M] Disabled Person This is the shit I deal with
Diffused upside down and got so much volume!
I just wanted to share my new cat 🐱. Say hello to Florence!
What’s my hair type? (Repost)
Please help naming blind tortoise cat
Does this look like 1b hair maybe 1c?
[16F] Is the fit fitting?
Small baby steps: hit my first 50 subscribers!
What hair type am I?
What’s my hair type?
Just a question. What is the butt bump?
Any ideas?
what did yall get?