I kept my promise. (OC)
celestial jade gun glitch?
i cant decide which pattern looks better !
Today we going to have a first look at new skin!
Juno and gnarp gnarp
Luna’s skates is one of the best things in her kit
I want this skin to be released already
Luna Snow drawing
i need the juno skin
Can someone tell me how to climb?
My highest healing as Luna Snow so far!
My new PR for Luna!!
Made this Juno art on a magma board (OC)
I saw a few people not liking the yellow eyes, so I thought I'd try some colour edits out! What do you think?
Drew Juno by memory in Class (OC)
Juno mains, what's something you wish people understood when you play your Hero?
Please help! I can't find a cosmetic I'm apparently missing.
I made Juno's jacket patches in Illustrator and I wanted to share the PNGs in case anyone else wanted them!
I really liked the patch on Juno's jacket, but no high quality image of it existed anywhere, so I made one, in case you want it, too!
I really liked the patch on Juno's jacket, but no high quality image of it existed anywhere, so I made one, in case you want it, too
some changes for juno
What’s your favorite Overwatch hero and why?
Holy shit sit in my ult
How to effectively get out of Gold Support?