How do I avoid double taxation as a Pakistani resident working for a US company
An advisory fact for Pathan Bhaiyo!
Ye threatens to “go to war” with Kim Kardashian after recently learning that she is the sole owner of the North West trademark after she blocked him from using North on a Diddy song.
Humiliating Incident at Metro station islamabad
10% of the world’s out of school children are Pakistani.
Turks are Europeans thoughts?
Trump tries to downsize visas to Pakistani passport holders
Apparently some companies in France are refusing people with Arab or "Muslim" sounding names because its upset / disturb their costumers plus its a sing of not being properly integrated!
least nationalistic turk
Please Stop Changing UI
How can I listen to these? Help me😢🥺
If you were the Turkish president, would you send young Turkish men to die to protect Poland from Russia?
Why do Ulema Hate Science? | Islam vs Science | Uzma Rumi
Why are Pakistanis still running after doctor and engineer as a profession? When will they accept the progress of computer science?
Average Kemalist
Pashtun tribesmen vote at the July 19 referendum in NWFP to join the Dominion of Pakistan. ("LIFE" magazine, 18 August 1947)
Who else hate Mullahs?
Kim Saeron's desperate text message to Kim Soohyun revealed amid growing controversy - 'Let me live.'
"HiJaB iS aLiEn To KaShMiR" - Meanwhile Kashmiri Women in 1951:
What external spotify tools do you use?
How islam doesn't get radical in Tajikistan?
Thoughts on apostasy laws in the Middle East?
Female Literacy Rates in Asia 2024 - At least Pakistan is doing better than Afghanistan /s
Female Literacy Rates in Asia 2024
Where's Turkey headed politically?