What Anime you think first when you see this?
Give me your favorite anime, and I'll try to rate them out of 10.
What anime opening is this?
The last thing you ate will be he’s name
What is your favorite fight that's not animated? I'll start
What's an anime you've watched multiple times?
what you think which anime is peak? for me its One piece tell me yours..
Best anime of these four?
Best anime here?
Who do you think is winning both Royal Rumbles?
Which anime is the best out of these 4?
What is the most iconic first episode in anime?
Which one would you pick?
Is liv top 10 woman all time
Your month your brawlentine
What should i watch next?
100$ build a team to defend you from everyone else
Do y’all think I should watch Bleach?
Would you guys beat up this baby for 10,000$?
What brawler did you only upgrade because got a hypercharge for it?
recommend me things based off of what I've watched so far
happy birthday obito!
drew Pucci(artist:meeeeeeee)
My Yoshikage Kira Cosplay!
hey need recommendations for short anime