Another relapse happened but this time was intentional to make the next attempt to quit easier
Go for fully quitting or smoking only special events?
Passed at 85!!!
How do I quit?
T-break until 4/20 -- Who's joining me?
PASSED AFTER 7 YEARS 150 questions
Will pond ever be strong again
Let's do something BIG
Anybody likes playing this game?
*Yawn* Why all the panic?
Bad timing for me to take a break
Today is day 1 but it’s gonna get hard
How long have you had a frozen account?
Don't believe most of the horror stories here.
Take Toshi Profits!!! On a decline right now potentially falling back to .01503 (current .001622)
Roast my noob portfolio
I listened to all the hype. If it’s to be believed, I will be filthy rich. Can anyone realistically tell me what these holdings could look like mid to end of 2025.
These portfolios gonna grow?
Kids don’t want me to smoke
Let’s play ball
Official: Anything Goes Nightly Thread: January 12, 2025
When did you get back together?
The twins approve.