Not even candles are safe
I asked a main sub user to name each character of Severance (2022-Present)
will this plot-hole be addressed in the finale?
Why doesn’t she get an electric toothbrush? It’s good for oral hygiene.
Is this the moment innie Mark realizes he’s f*cked?
For Fire/Bug we have Gohma, specifically from Wind Waker! Which Nintendo character would be Fire/Ghost?
1993. Emma Thompson, best actress for 'Howards End' & Al Pacino, best actor for 'Scent of a Woman'
What do my top 20 games (in no order) say about me???
The hidden sideplot of Anora—Igor is sexually confused
Which character has the best costume design?
If you had to choose, would you prefer to receive $10 billion or bring a loved one back to life?
Insider leak of season 4 main cast..
Jason Isaac's throws interviewers off by not answering prosthetics question
My favorite indie games
me watching Slow Horses & seeing another actor from Game of Thrones
Can’t wait for the Mark/Drummond sex scene
How do you read River’s sexual orientation?
Breakdown of unremade courses throughout the series
25M - A scar-like line from penis to anus. Is this normal?
What mainstream artists will become irrelevant as Gen z ages out?
Why do so many 2010s and 2020s flag redesign ideas look so corporate?
Who of my friend group has the best favorite games?
The U.S. Redesigned - Good Flags
Ok! F**k, Marry, Kill: White Lotus Insufferable Male Lead Edition
Hi everyone! This is Round 26 of the 2020's BP Nominees Elimination Tournament. With 13% of the vote, The Substance has been eliminated. Vote for your LEAST favourite movie remaining, and the one with the most votes shall be eliminated. Have fun!