Everyone has watched but me
Most wasted character in all of the MCU
How do you feel about movie discussions being focused around financial success?
Brilliantly immature characters
Whats the first movie you ever logged on LB?
HBD Alan Tudyk
What is your prime “Guilty Pleasure” movie?
Almost 15 years later, what do you think of Inception?
What was the first movie you watched this year?
That time Hulk nearly killed Beta Ray-Bill, Planet Hulk animated 2010
Which car are you hopping in?
Who is an actor you love just showing up in films?
Should Mr. Mxyzptlk be in the DCU?
This is the first film I’ve rated 1/5. Which 1 star ratings stand out for you the most?
What non horror movie scared the crap out of you as a kid
Movies where people are trapped with no escape
But I won't do that again.
Does anyone else follow cinematographers and/or DPs?
What are your Top 16 BEST movies?
What are your last 4 watched?
Do you think smart hulk was a bad idea from the start?
Any other movies to add to this list?
The next Wolverine movie should be stylized as a horror
What other recent films fit in with these?
Why doesn't Angstrom Freaky use his portals to bust on unsuspecting enemies?