Tenho mais curiosidade em namorar um garoto do q uma garota
Tratar gays afeminados pelo pronome feminino?
Goodbye Declaration has been bet by Young Girl A
tem como parar?
Small fry (wqooon)
Is it common for bi men to be very feminine?
eu NUNCA mais vou ser passivo
Um memezinho psicanálitico pra animar a sexta
All of the "Hot Takes" on this sub:
Não ter interesse em sexo é comum?
About porn usage
Gosto de homens mas acho a maioria muito feios?
I somehow had gotten a perfect 100 early/late
gib me wallpaper plsss!!(✧ω✧)
E o que seria femcel?.
I'm attracted to men but find most of them ugly?
It's been long enough. Drop some GENUINELY hot takes and give me a REASON for them.
Racismo velado com o nome de "preferência"!
“Real art”
Is this something specific to the version I’m playing on? I’ve never seen this before
É sobre isso.
she was my fav skin back in 2015 when i was a kid and i never understood why. when i realized im a gay dude, i also realized that i think that was the reason why…