Well that was effective.
What just happened??
What the hell is happening? My coke lockup is eating up supplies but not making product. And its empty. I set it up, did everything right.. but its not making anything. Why?
Planet Hulk top 10 best moments
Ordered Immortal Hulk… then found this for $70 down less than 2 days later.. so this is my first omni!
DC is bringing out the big guns and giving fans what they want: NEW DC OMNIS INCLUDING BATMAN BY TOM KING VOL 1!!!
It is ever stated what happened to Shelob after the events of the story?
My set of The Dark Tower is complete. + how far in I am, visualized by a bookmark
Successfully defended my PhD yesterday. I don’t use social media other than Reddit, so I don’t really have a place to put this.
Got the omnibus!
Hand Carved Dwarves
A new copy of the book I got today. This one is going to be the one I read, my others are mostly display pieces
What is this icon over a prisoner?
Ordered something today.
Thoughts on the Gargoyle? I personally love it. Especially with it being upgraded in a autoshop
i can’t even afford a haircut bro
Hype this up without spoiling it. I’m wondering if its worth buying.
1.5 year golden nose going white
Is this video safe to watch if I’m on book 5 of The Dark Tower?
The Mantis (alt build)
Just finished Wizard and Glass. What next?
I want to start a new long term survival world.
I gotta talk to someone about this
[Other] Insane used bookstore find. All of this for $25!
Insane used bookstore find. All 4 for $25