Ultimate Drako Vs "The above All" and "The Presence" who would win?
This is one of the worst baiting ever let alone drama in comment section, can Mods please remove this post and move on in peace?
Who's winning this?
Leviathan axe is stronger than Mjolnir and I’m prepared to defend that stance in the comments.
Guys! I think they don't want us to use Stratagems...
Does Goku have any other Low Multiversal Feat than shaking Universe 7 ?
PSA: If we're playing on level 8/9 difficulty please, for the love of god and all that is holy...
Stop saying this game needs PVP
What character has the most annoying fans?
Does Goku have any resistance to various poisons, toxic chemicals and even radiation? Could god ki help him be immune to all this? How tough is Goku's natural physiology without ki boosts?
Who is the strongest best written Dragon Ball character?
why is everyone crying that Batman died in suicide squad kill the justice league
Who is more annoying Goku fanboys or Saitama Fanboys?
Never seen vegeta use ssj3
Why are people complaining about Nicole looking like her updated DS2 design? Did they not play DS2?
Solaris isn't the strongest Enemy of Sonic, not even close.