What if vina marries Franc Rayne
Rumburg is not only a threat to Sordland, but to the entire world.
I wish Livia could turn against Rumburg if you're nice to her
What political party would you vote for?
Which nation is better lespia or valgslad,state reasoning
Gotta say, as much as I dislike him, this kinda goes hard
What if symon holl became president ?
Used GDP numbers on the wiki and IRL currency exchange rates to calculate GDP of suzerain countries
What would happen if petr vectern was president of sordland?
What's required for strong/overwhelming power projection
Zille referendum AN vote
How to marry Lucita?
It's honestly crazy how much the flairs expose people.
can sordland be able to keep rumburg territory ?
The old man has hit the bucket.
They hate me but lowkey want me
Do you think Bergia Special Zone would de-radicalise the BFF?
How many of you genuinley belive Soll should be sentenced?
I believe with 100% certainty that Sordland is capable of sending a man to the moon if not by the end of Rayne's 2nd term, then early on in the next president's term*
What will happen to queen Beatrix and future of rumburg if sordland defeats rumburg in the war or sanctioned by 2 superpowers
New Law Idea
"Strength of Nation", NFP poster supporting the Rummo-Sordish war, drawn by Kesaro Kibener himself
Who the Hell are these guys
Y'all too harsh on Gus