hot take: bonnie is S tier
Why is no one using this
Got sent this gem from 2019 before I quit
Moe is in a really weird situation
I Improved Goblin Machine!
Do you think there should be no gadget icon while it’s recharging?
Crystal Cape: I'm screaming thank you from the bottom of my heart GrowDr & Juscik
when is brawl talk
bruh gt is nob 91k online
Player calls me a whore, sexualises me, and asks 'how did i sexualise you' knowing im 17, reported and literally nth happened, is it a viable option to send an email to growtopia support?
Legendary gt pic from 2019
Investing into an items ideas!
Rate set
Draco and Charlie have been considered in/around D tier for a while now with lower win/use rates. What caused their win rates to skyrocket to the #3 and #4 spot respectively? Are these websites known to be incorrect at all?
Greetings, everyone! I made a wishlist for the 2025 January BS meta. This one is probably really bad and either overbuffed/overnerfed some brawlers. Can you mention some other brawlers who need a buff/nerf and information regarding some brawlers?
soo guys i need you to listen me
Idea to nerf lou
Selling Rayman Set $320
Its honestly pretty fucking funny how yall take growtopia seriously