30 year old, UC Berkeley undergrad, Silicon Valley startup worker thinking of ITT Indian MBA
Photoshopped what I’m thinking of doing to my F15 40e. Thoughts?
For those who sold everything due to the current news cycle, how long have you been investing?
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, March 11, 2025
San Jose Camera & Video 💔
How I’ve been making large returns on SPY consistently, regardless of which direction it goes… 📈🥭📉 *Proof in previous post*
Why does North Arizona Institute keep doing this to my Tesla?
CTO wants me to start DevOps initiatives, where do I even start?
I’m so fucked. Till the next paycheck regards.
Who’s the richest person you know personally? And what do they do for a living?
What motivated you to leave sales and do you regret it?
Weekend Discussion Thread for the Weekend of February 28, 2025
Well Boys… this is what happens when you play with fire.
Small gains over the past month from day/swing trading KODK
Are PLTR employees the gold standard?
Where do you find early sales folks & what do they cost?
the sector you've never touched IS a 10-bagger, but not like that [DD w/ $250k invested)
I don't care what Rockstar has to say. In my mind, III, Vice City, San Andreas, IV, TLAD, TBOGT, V and VI are all set in the same canon.
KODAK will prosper under the new US Administration
100% of my portfolio is now in $KODK
Working at Verkada
What one rapper you wish got the flowers they deserved