Morbid question but do you all think about what will happen to your collections when you pass?
1 year of 'regularly' collecting manga - Give me some suggestions on things I should get in the future (comment below gives a little description on the series I've read/reading)
One afternoon and bad back later, a fully tabbed out 2024 PHB
For those curious about BAM's My Dress-Up Darling volume 1
PHB 2024 Tabs
Absolutely having a blast with smoking behind the supermarket!
Cake Day Haul
Looking for background information about Orochimaru's summoning tattoo. What's the purpose of it?
Why do ppl hate this form looks pretty good imo aside from the wings and lipstick
Small Haul
Rate my collection! Me and my wife have a rule that we can only buy manga we want if we find it in stores, nothing online (hense why we have so many series with so few volumes)
how do yall keep up with so many ongoing series at a time?
The name of this guy?
My complete Manga and Anime collection
Curious what is your guys' reading pace? I just achieved my 200th manga/book read since I started my collection a little over 4 months ago.
Haul: FMA '03 AniManga and the Wii Game Light Novel
Current collection ( and some fluff )
First time in a while I've seen Walmart this stocked up
Berserk Tome 42 collector edition 👀
Haul Arrival - discounted Naruto Box Set 2
I have read too much edgy and traumatizing stuff. Please recommend me some wholesome manga so that I can regain my morality.
Recent pre-orders plus second hand haul.
When you want to make a haul post but only 3 out of 30 books have arrived.
Does anyone know which ones I’m missing?
What figure(s) should I get for the shelf?