Remember, nobody gives a f*ck
Upfront Toxicity
These two have basically vanished from the show at this point
The Irish guy is rubbish
Brentford Women have scored 29 goals in 2 games this week
The Fired Candidates of S19 so far! Do you think any of them should have made it further?
Episode 6 | Post-Episode Discussion Thread
Selfie with a dead person
oH nO i WaS CaUgHt WoRkInG oN vAcATiOn In ThIs ToTaLlY BeLieVabLe ScEnARiO! 🙃
The Andrew Tate of LinkedIn 😂😂
Apprentice series 11 (reunion- sort of)
Trump Goes Ballistic on ‘Dictator’ Zelensky, Blaming Him for War and the Death of ‘MILLIONS’
So I assume you’ll be donating it all to charity then..? Hello…, you still there?
Pimping a 3 yr old for content.
Let's talk about boobs 🤦♂️
Lady just take a day off
Nothing says "out of office" like posting it on LinkedIn
Amber Rose got caught with Keir in her hotel room
What the hell kind of story is this!
I have to surround myself with lazy poor people until I make it big
You're the reason!!
Oh James
Addicted to porn
I think I’m done with Linked In