Favorite female character voiced by a man
Since it's St. Patrick's day I want you guys to tell me your favorite character with an Irish accent
Favorite character that would commit/ has committed war crimes
Favorite movie people thought was going to be bad
Favorite character with unique singing voice
Favorite character that is so ugly they make you react like this
Favorite villain whose reason for being evil is so stupid it has you like this
Guys, I want you to give me your favorite couple that matches the song Lemon Boy by Cavetown
Read the photo
Which Cartoon Character Represents Greed.
Songs where the title is some sort of plant
Songs where each word is longer than the last
What's an animated series that you wished had gone on for much longer than it did? Here's my top pick.
19F Make me cry
Favorite character that would LOVE Weird Al.
Favorite character that has a good reason to despise the world
i need to know
27 Can't stand people lol
cloud guy won! who is a *universally beloved love interest*?
Favorite character that scares the hell out of you
Favorite witch
Favorite Looney Toon that’s not Bugs or Daffy?
Which one is your choice, whether they actually were a villain or not
Favorite character that can control plants
Name a thomas character that didn't got merch