Which one of Dracula's wives is most likely to be Sibella's mother?
Ruby, Bella, Lucifer were all way more worthy of hate
The single best amulet is one you find at the beginning of the game.
This game just made me lose my mind laughing
Sexuality meters.
The worst episodes of Supernatural according to viewers ratings...
I'm occasionally baffled by how divisive nearly ALL the characters are in this series
Dresden Files Sad
The horrific story was actually fictional in-universe the whole time
Does ME2 have the best opening sequence in the series?
"Loyalty" Mission ideas for ME3
Humans are bad at finding their way around, which causes them to get lost... they get lost too easily.
Even the most terrifying of humans are capable of great kindness
The federation is suprised at the overall military might and its all voluntary
Please be mindful that Humans inhabit planets with varying weather anomalies and events, invading their territory is ALWAYS A BAD IDEA
There's a simple explanation that can (sort of) explain why some of SJM's rules don't seem to apply to the MCs.
Hateable villains that become even more Hateable because the actor is absolutely killing it
When a random henchman decides to throw hands with the main character and does surprisingly well
The Citadel DLC might be the best DLC I've ever played in any game
The Day 1 Homie to the protagonist
Villains who are duped by the heroes into revealing themselves and promptly lose everything
I actually like the off brand songs in the Netflix episodes
I HATE Vega. Does he get better?
Secondary villains who are so evil that they cause the Main Villain to team up with the heroes
You get one book series or game that you love and can create the perfect adaptation OR you can remake one movie or TV series and it will be perfect