How long was the longest fanfic you have ever read ?
Why Did Jimmy Think Daisuke Was "Privledged"?
Something about this line makes me shiver with disgust.
pony express and trans employees (hypothetical question)
[AU] Responsibility AU
What’s Your Favorite Scene or Moment from the Game, and Why?
Is MW retro futurist?
Elon Musk recommends that the International Space Station be deorbited ASAP
When is "by the end of the month"?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Gang how do we feel about this bot I randomly found?
Thoughts on this?
Jimbalaya at the end of Mouthwashing
Honest question - Where do they poop?
Mouthwashing x The Amazing Devil crossover, by omagpies
WIBTA for adjusting the money I lent someone to inflation?
This seemingly AI-generated article which advises to feed chocolate and processed sugar to crows
[Article] Biomothers and Technobodies: Jeanette Winterson’s Frankissstein: A Love Story as the Technocritical Hybridization of Trans- and Posthumanism by Andrea Raso
The braincell is trying to eat itself I don't know what to do
Kids can be so cruel
I am so glad my cousin never became a psychologist
Beware the nerds
What's the strangest or most bizarre unsolved mystery from your country/state/hometown etc?
Yeah I think it's a dog