A list of moves I would change how they work in Roulette
As someone who doesn't own the game how is Kefla balanced
Anwser my question
How does Sukuna domain work?
Todo's awakening black flash does less damage the more people you hit
Holy Moonlight Greatsword build
I just bought the kill sound gamepass, give me your goofiest sound IDs
JJS players when the ultimate move is stronger then a base moveset move (its ultimate)
Me staring at the Todo approaching me at mach fuck after I just barely survived a 1v1 (I'm gonna get oogie boogied)
Genuinely what is Yuji's weakness in this game
How does Infinity work and react to gravity?
Me in roulette watching as the guy who has Max Blue, Crushing Rundowm, Dismantle, and Wing King combo extends for the 90th time
Can you get banned for a custom kill sound
Your last saved image made Man cry, what is it?
If Megukuna was Sukuna's super alt, what would his moveset look like?
There are actually people that play the game but haven’t even seen manga yet
How do Mahoragas move in Gojo domain???
Am I the only one who think 2 healthbar bosses are kinda overdone
Who has the most skilled moveset and who's moveset Is the most braindead
What do you think is the current state of the game when it comes to its balance and its community?
I need advice on red fox and black cat
Should certain moves have increased cooldowns in Brain Swap?
Why do people hate lock on so much