Madness? This! Is! Yeah... this is getting to be a little nuts.
Initially, the CBC framed the discussion as, "What would Canada as the 51st state mean to you?" ... As if unilateral hostile aggression were something that deserved debating. They're backtracking now because of the backlash. But not nearly enough.
Vaccines work.
We are so back… backwards
He’s not wrong
Boeing's Financial Crisis
I mean... that's ONE way of doing it... Might take a few tries though.
My kid asked me what the best antivirus for PC was. So I checked the Reddit hive mind...
Canadian Tire money, the backbone of any great economy 💪💪💪
Rachel Zegler responds to a death threat on Twitter
Quebec has won the mmm.... society category, who take the straight up evil category
I feel so... seen. Baby, we've made the mainstream.
What does it mean?…
What console table to go with mirror?
Who you got?
What ever happened to mad cow disease?
Now I may be out in left field. But is this, or is this not a short stop.
They're only as good as their seal
This really happened!
Driving by: "Bruh, the vaccine gave me 5G RECEPTION EVERYWHERE! YOU SHOULD TRY iiiit - it's aaawesooome..."
embarrassments in grimsby
More than 70% of US household COVID spread started with a child, study suggests