Need suggestions on accessorising
A Snippet from my bengali essay .
Wrote a poem after a long. Share your thoughts. Recommend me any poetry book(s) if you got any.
Wrote a poem after a long time. Do let me know your thoughts
অনেক দিন বাদে কবিতা লিখলাম, পড়ে জানিও কেমন লাগলো
If you get 1 crore, what will you do?
It's AMA time with me, JONITA! Let's talk about music :) Ask me anything!
My mom just walked on me during my fake scenario infront of my mirror 🥲
OP makes reallyyyy good Chilly Chicken
Kolkata Book fair 2025 haul
এই মেঘলা দিনে একলা ....
Happy Holi ❤️
এখানেই এক পোস্ট পাই, "Adulting hits hard when you realise festivals don't hit the same anymore" সেই বিষয়ে আমার নিজস্ব ভাবনা, আপনারাও আপনাদের ভাবনা share করবেন
Drop your main
10 yo me would definitely feel sorry for 23 yo me
Can I get a good quality template for this? Thanks in advance
What could be this?
some outfits I have styled recently, thoughts?
Sourav K scores the goal of the season in the last league game of the season
Got beaten badly by big sis for abusing her friend 😔
Being highly intellectual and multi-talented ruined my social life
Can I get a template for this? Without the watermark. Thanks in advance
Bangla porte bhalo lage na
This shit is so fucking the hell this so popular??