Stupid crush on stranger
Murale/installation au sujet de l’itinérance ?
What things are sensory hell to you?
Je recherche un ex itinérant pour un documentaire
Bénévole Tent City intéressé participer dans documentaire
Borrowed fx30 from school and took pretty photos
Avez-Vous de l’info sur ces sujets? (Doc. Pour l’école)
Help me find this person and their patterns (if any)?
Can anyone help me find this person and their patterns?
What to Avoid If You Have a Corn Allergy?
Best place for virtual classes?
For those antimakeup
A good way of relieving cramps caused by consumption of sensitive food
Homemade holiday treats
Candle as Christmas present
Dumbest sensory icks
Does anyone else have to look away from the person talking to be able to 'hear' them properly?
“Forgot” screentime password
DAE feel like you just have a different kind of social awareness?
Covoiturage de Aylmer jusqu’à Collège Algonquin
What song comes to mind when u see this.?
Specific dairy-free ice cream
Is there a more readable pattern of this out there?
My Halloween costume! Mouth is paper-maché
I genuinely don’t have this problem