Favorite character who is just straight up cute
What should i play ?
Describe your sex life with fromsoft items
Favorite Character you’d get life advice from
What’s the most annoying part of being you?
Master chief
You awaken as a viltrumite, the only change in our world is you and nothing else changes. How will your life change?
Have you ever kiss any girl ?
Favorite character who is a Viltrumite?
Doom Eternal players, which demons do you exclusively reserve the Crucible for?
Where do you think my character came from?
Adolf Hitler was a _______ guy.
Who’d win in a fight to the death? (Assume both sides agree to it)
Create a superpower you’d ethically not want to use
Why do people hate these outfits?
I thought the glock saint memes were....ummmm... memes
Say a "Sekiro 2" comes out, and like every action game franchise ever, Wolf loses most of his abilities and arsenal from the first game. How would you write the "lore" reason for this?
My name is Coo
Who is this? (Wrong answers only)
What is the first video game that comes to mind when you see this?
At least try to hide it
Who do Yall think is the most attractive male in the Norse saga
What you guys think of the mask?
What’s the most memorable Mimir quote?
The smartest head alive
before doom the dark come out what doom game is ur favorite