Now that ranks are going to be reset, what elements do you think that need to be fixed before the reset?
Bro you’re not deadass
What if they delayed the DLC to add more content and patches?
Today was a disappointment.
Some characters need a health increase
As someone who doesn't own the game how is Kefla balanced
Singles is the reason y'all mad
A tale of two win rates.
Need 1 more trophy to plat but don’t have enough patience to do 100 online battles. How do I get enough patience to get through it?
If Bandai/Steam offer full refunds, right now, no matter how long you’ve had/played the game, would you refund it?
I've been saying this since release
How can some people vanish everything?
They got to make you win by who’s doing the most damage in this game.
I can’t wait until people start enjoying the game for what it is
Opinion: Mystic breath is the worst move in the game
Anyone know how he is recovering so quickly?
yall are not beating broly on super
Best advice for a noob/beginner
Let’s be real about these
Have you ever thought that You are what's killing the game?
It feels like the community doomed the game by asking for unbalanced content lol
Dude went AFK mid fight and sends me this 😭
yall are so bad at this game it makes my stomach hurt
Redditor is accusing me of playing cheesy
Man why did they have to resign Beast Gohan like that?