to finance or to buy outright?
Has AWD ever saved your life?
Sex dream about a co-worker. What now?
Should I buy Lexus TX Premium AWD or Honda Pilot Black Edition.
Any dads/parents here with two kids drive a Toyota RAV4?
Dads with two kids… is the second one worth it?
Shitty Grandparents
What’s the hardest thing to deal with as a people manger?
What's the first rule of being a dad?
Losing the Tesla
What do you think is the best? I'm in love with these two, Toyota celica gt-four gen 6 and Honda prelude v-tec. If you could choose one, which would it be and why?
One and done
what do pax do that bothers you?
Tricks for DAD to fall (back) asleep?
How do you guys handle this?
What’s a scam that people still fall for, no matter how obvious it is?
Should I treat myself?
GF not into morning sex
My car vs the car I want to trade in
What age do you wish you could stay permanently?
Has Genesis convinced you?
Is it normal for guys to want sex after less than 3 dates?
Let's share this and let them know how we feel. Love you all. #GinaGottaGo
Abandoned buildings on Bascom just north of 280
Pressure washing didn’t remove the diaper bin stench, what will?