Ultimate Ultimate Dume completed
I’m probably just bad at the game, but how are you supposed to play in Arabia?
every time i come back to this game i remember a new reason that i stopped.
In a Remake of Persona 4 which things should be changed, added, or removed?
Thomas Aquinas came to my court and wrote…this
First time playing… some thoughts
Likely civs coming soon to CIV 7 based on current wonder list
Hey This May be a Dumb Ask But. What Happend to The Invasions?
What are some families from present day that still exist in ATE?
Great Britain and Carthage revealed on Civ Game Guides
From a gameplay perspective, why do YOU want a 4th era?
I'm the question gal
Persona 4 remake evidence piling up as singer Shihoko Hirata teases involvement for a new project for Atlus
All the Civilization from CIV 6 and what ages they would be in! What Civs do you think have the best shot at making it into CIV 7?
What's the least interesting nation - in your opinion?
It's evolving, but backwards.
According to Spotify, the original name of America in Civ VII was "Colonial America"
Tinto Talks #50 - 12th February 2025
Protip: When overbuilding, it (nearly always) doesn't matter what buildings you replace
Ah. My favorite book. I wonder what it's about.
Polygon is reporting Great Britain, Carthage, Bulgaria, and Nepal for the DLC
To everyone complaining about the price, can I remind you that Civ4 was $49.99 in 2005, civ5 $59.99 in 2010 and Civ6 $59.99 in 2016?
Which of these two would you rather be friends with?
Civ 6: What didn't you do?
Will off map invaders like the Redcoats or Japanese be returning for CK3?