I owe a school I never attended $17,500 because they did not help me withdraw
People care about racism until its towards Indians.
i know everyone loves to hate on jenny but rewatching S3 i honestly feel so bad for her
I feel ugly
Is 27 APs too much for a 2nd grader
Every Show Has One Day 5: Uhh, What’s Your Name Again?
Freshmen Advice Forum 🙃
Financial Aid!
Are people in the honors college anti-social
Low admission GPA
Waitlist ganggg 🦅
got rejected from yale AND harvard yesterday
Lynn 😒
What do you guys think about my schedule?
I desperately need to get in an orchestra but idk if I’m playing this excerpt correctly! SB pls play it for me!
How is AP US History hard?
Why do people complain so much about AP classes?
I don’t even want to kms maybe the disappointment will settle in later
How do yall cope if you failed an ap exam?
My step family thinks I’m lazy.
I neeeed musicccc!
Describe your least favorite AP class you've taken without using the name of the class
Ap Lang is actually hard
BitLife Business Update
why am i not showing up in the leaderboards tho?