🍀Let us not forget the importance of this day
What are some other good comedians?
Which team do you hate most in the NFC South?
If you were to give Alex Garland’s civil war, a different tagline, what would it be?
Business Dinner tonight. What vibes am I giving🧐
A movie you went into with *zero* expectations but ended up loving.
A Comprehensive Listing of the Drug Brand Names in The Wire
Serena Williams crip walking to "Not like us" during the Superbowl Halftime Show
Can anybody recommend me a movie that has vibes like this photo?
Do you view the Dave as nostalgic or cringe?
The Brutalist merch drop incoming!
Prediction: Joe takes some sort of dig at David Lynch on the next ep
Random Panther thread
Favorite legendary actor/director duos?
Song suggestions. I’m obsessed with I Don’t Smoke and I Bet on Losing Dogs.
Whats a movie you have a vendetta against
Would yall be happy with throwback uniforms?
My day on the job site
Downtown Asheboro, NC
What A24 movie was a fail for you?
Damn I forgot how funny this movie was.
Looking for movies with this sort of England 70s/80s vibe
New Years!
Can this bum even complete a sentence
Can someone do a wellness check on her?