What are y'alls favorite sio songs?
Favourite Sam and Colby era??
Uhhh guys is there a lore reason why there's 7 fingers on each hand in the midnight album cover?
Shit in, shit out
Ronnie Rake from wish is messaging me. How should we play this?
Im terrified.
What's your most relatable song?
Ideal supporting bands?
Why didn’t Cody perform during Below The Belt
Look who I spotted (and spotted me!) before their set in Manchester tonight!
I woke up feeling dangerous
Maxx looks traumatized
Does anyone else think that Cody and Jason Sudeikis share a resemblance?
Not condoning this behaviour, but…
What song is this for you?
Diy merch!!
bracelets for the Munich concert
Opening act set list?
what do you think is the most underrated song and or album
Help finding video's
Which SIO song is this for you?
Which Tyler song is this for you?
This piece really takes me back to my darkest years. You're stronger than your anxiety, my head is a very dark place. Monsters don't sleep under your bed they sleep inside your head. This band helped me through dark times.
Drop the most painful lyrics you’ve ever heard
what the..
Why does Ronnie keep admitting to being racist?