What is possible to grow here? (Boston, MA)
Another reminder that there's so many species beyond the "cute" ones.
I love boxelder bugs!
Experience with wild black cherry (prunus serotina)
Suggestions for some type of dense or privacy shrub that will do well with trees (Maryland - zone 7b)
Any ideas on what I can do with this patch of dirt in my front yard?
Whole neighborhood water drains into our yard
Grass or mulch ?
5 Gallon Bucket Garden
9 month old wildlife pond
Do I need to do anything to the ground these raised beds sit on?
Native replacement plant for invasive meadow.
What’s a good rule for how long to leave your leaves down (NY state)
Looking for hanging/trailing plants that will do well in a small pot - Western Ohio
This is how I imagine a 5 way element game could be played.
Which look do you prefer?
Prolific spreaders?
What would you recommend I do around the tree?
Aster advice? I'm looking for something that doesn't grow past hip-height and can tolerate being drenched during rainstorms. (SW Pennsylvania)
How would you refer to this small freshwater crustacean?
What to do about soil erosion around trees on a hill?
Yall heard it here first Trump is chosen by God
Planting Natives that will survive high rabbit population
Had 3 different companies give quotes to help with yard drainage. Each had different ideas.
What’s growing in my blueberry bush?