These things used to annihilate me until I learned this trick . Now they’re easily dealt with every time. In case anyone doesn’t know this trick. Having heal incant is worth it for more reasons than 1👍🏼
What boss did you spend The most time on during your first playthrough
What's a weapon you always carry regardless of build?
Grinding spots in the interdimensional rift along with a healing spot?
FFV, Karnak Castle timer, all Chests. How.
What's your Elden ring hot take
beating civ v in under 1 minute
OT2 switch controller map and menu control buttons do not work
How Was The Original Mists of Pandaria Perceived By Players?
Would they be staffs or clubs
Potential, Player housing in phase 8
What gaming "crime" you regularly do?
New Avalon Accessable in PTR
Not to get political but don't talk to me if you're blue
Show me a single picture that makes min maxing sweaty players cry in Raids. Here is mine
Please help!
Impossible item to steal?
I love how FF V has unpredictable dialogue moments like this, hahah
I still think about this build from time to time
How After 20 Years Are Classic BiS Lists Still Wrong?
Complaint: Dead Trees are very annoying.
Octopath traveler 2 ending is gorgeous
Malenia: Hardest Boss In Elden Ring. Hand Of Malenia: Parriable, Literally Anything Can Stop It, No Scarlet Rot.
The Lord of the Rings is often hailed as the greatest story/work of fiction ever but which other story/work of fiction comes closest to being as good, if not better than it?
New IT Building Idea: Storage Tower.