Intimidated by vinyasa
Is there yoga for fat guys?
Quote During Namaste
You Are Infinite
8Limbs compared to InnerYoga
Anyone have experience or advice with stopping lower back/hip injuries?
Straightening legs while holding onto big toe?
Online ashtanga
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Quote
Beginning of the End?
I have a question about if yoga can help save my neck
i did not exaggerated today session primary serie
‘Lotus feet’ means the feet that are on the ground, but never touch the ground. One who lives in the world and does not belong to the world.
Camel Pose help
So, what IS a hamstring stretch?
over-extending knees?
How to do boat pose correctly?
Camel pose - thighs
How to get 32,000 times benefits form yoga. 😉
[COMP] How to improve this forward fold?
Never Practice on Somebody Else's Mat (physically or otherwise)
pranayama question
If a person doesn't know the definition of love how can they be capable of it?
Knee tightness in lotus