living in the breaking bad universe for a day
is lost the best show of all time?
favorite gallagher?
what do i watch next based on my favorite shows?
i think the show needed a new editor…
favorite A text/message?
chuck and blair
Need a new show suggestion with a fked up violent vibe like sons of anarchy, these r other shows I’ve watched:
Behind the scenes - time jump intro
why did she reject a kiss from walter??
Guys what other shows will scratch the breaking bad itch for me?
what’s your guess on how they’re gonna write him off?
klaus season 3 of tvd is peak male attractiveness for me
lucas & peyton/lucas & brooke, who were you rooting for?
questions about lost
who’s your favorite liar & why?
cassie and maddie s3
who is the best dressed? (in your opinion)
favorite season?
who’s your favorite character?
chuck and blair - new watcher
What’s your favorite ‘crazy connection’?
did anyone else enjoy chuck & eric?
chase crawford
dan being gg made sense?