Whats the craziest thing a teacher said to you?
AIO for saying…okay?
Recently chose to be a b*tch to my sibling. For better or worse, I can’t tell.
I miss creative episodes that had different tones, cinematography and styles, “I saw what I saw” is truly one of the best episodes ever.
24 (F4A) Looking to increase snap score!
What's the most pleasant sound to you?
When and what did you compulsively lie about recently?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
What triggers your anxiety?
I think cheating isn't that bad a thing
What's the most expensive item you've bought with the intention of keeping it for life?
What is ruining your mental health?
Which song is this?
What's the most annoying thing about you?
What have you been genetically blessed with, and nerfed with?
What Are Clear Signs of Low Self-Esteem?
What kind of death scares you?
Who’s this guitarist someone please help!!!
If you had 24 hours to spend a billion dollars, how would you do it?
When you couldn’t afford therapy, what did you find was the next best thing?
What are some scenes that traumatized you/ you think about them often?
F25 looking for 1-3 study buddies from different region (statistics, accounting&finance)
What would make your life incredibly fantastic right now ?
AITA for ignoring my wife for throwing away my late wife video tapes?
2 things: How to stop taking things so seriously/personally AND how to let go of past regrets/trauma