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Looking for Premium "Travel" Kettle
[Megathread] Monthly New to Habitica Q&A
1zpresso q2 or q2s
Some Tainan Street Art
Microphone for iPad 2
App like habitica, but a medieval town-builder
Looking for fun, dynamic, full-body sport or activity
Connect Forest to Habitica
My own Dilemma Max keyboard
My Sofle Choc
[TOMT] Modern Sino-Japanese War Movie
Alternative to Google Pixel Tablet with [SIM] Card and cellular data availability
Some snaps from my recent trip. So much to explore!
My first corne!
thoughts on tai-hao thins
Audio-Only Noah?
My small monk shields collection
How do UbuntuTouch users manage without (for example) banking apps?
Which tools do you use to support and structure projects or long term goals with?
Quick question, quick answer - A or B for Kickstarter banner?
Ecologically friendly barefoot shoes
Shiver of Sharks - art concept?
"Tenshi" split keyboard with slide-adjustable trackpads
My first REAL handwired split keyboard.