Baby stoner needs help
My almost 70 year old mother somehow got her hands on the Fourth Wing series and now she’s demanding I provide her with more spicy fantasy romances 🤣
Just realized the real reason I don’t want kids
Earthquake! That was a big shock!
1bd/1ba in Long Beach, CA for $1,900
Theres an address to congress happening in the US tonight
ISFJs are not in demand! MBTI Dating
Woman who hates carrying a purse
I need solidarity more than ever
JEWISH Fantasy Romance? 👀 Also, for me, it’s all about the YEARNING!
Earthquake woodland hills?
Oxford Comma in 2025
I’m a Freemason AMA
Good morning ✨️ What's your favorite snack when stoned?
Local Alternatives
How fantasy romance authors describe female anatomy
Can we do this too?
How is it that some folks have already read / obtained a copy of Onyx Storm?
Good morning! ✨️What chore/task is best done stoned?
Do you think being an ACA could cause one to possibility to obsess too much over 'control'?
This was posted by Oxnard PD on Facebook. I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on it.
How to smell like oranges?
Statements like this made me stick around terrible situations for way too long. The Rock couldn't be more wrong.
the ultimate mobile setup