I ordered 10 Bananas and Got 10 Bunches of Bananas
Drivers: If you’re going to smoke in your vehicle while you have a customer’s order, at least put it in the trunk.
Traveling with 2 cats
Help finding a game
Sci Fi Movie late 90’s may be early 2000’s
Delivery address changed after pickup
College campuses... Without a map?!
Protest in front of the US consulate in Greenland
Men of reddit. What makes a woman creepy?
Peasant quest
Husband only come alone with porn
Games with impregnation, pregnancy, and birth, like violated princess or hazumi
Does anyone else feel uncomfortable ringing doorbells at 2am when Uber makes you enter the PIN to complete the drop off?
What’s a quote from a movie that you use all the time?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
Best breeding and impregnation games?
Are big grocery adjustments because of my driver?
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
How do I use the Hidden Camera in Daily Lives of My Countryside
What are these package trips?
Uber eats customers are racist in my area ( Orlando Florida)
Just downloaded the app.
I'm new, I need help.
Saying I’ve arrived just to trigger attention?