What do you think about the 3d Mario games? Especially the main 5
Why haven't the Final Fight sequels ever been released?
I still can't believe they brought power levels into this.
I have a theory.
She's literally flashing people now.
What is the fandom consensus on Tales of Arise?
It's been 8 years since the release of Fire Emblem Heroes. In that same timespan from the game's release, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon came out in the US.
Having a hard time picking a first game
I have a question about Binks' Brew (Binks no Sake).
Should I stick it out with Tales of Arise?
I have a question about Triplet After Triplet. (Penultimate boss theme)
Idc what anyone says, this is a cool design and the trilogy of games that wouldve come from it wouldve been awesome
Still one of my favorite one-liners.
What is your favourite yoshi color?
Is this a mod?
What’s your pick for the best and worst final dungeon in the series?
A rare photo of Miracle Johnson and Stephen Spining together.
When he makes this face.
Nicknames you give the characters?
What moment in "Tales of" has got you like this?
My boy Kazuma would've totally wiped the floor with him if he threatened to go after Yukina instead of Keiko.
Yu Yu Hakusho Final for SNES having cinematic finishers was a feature ahead of its time.
How does the community feel about a Soulsborne character being introduced to smash?
Can we talk about where and when the Xbox fumbled?
Yu Yu Hakusho Final on SNES was doing cinematic cutscene finishers before it was cool.