is this shirt worth $100???
Why is only one parrot dancing?
Mom who loves Minecraft
Yuck, never buying this again
Does This Look like a Jawbreaker? (Candy)
idk what hapened to this village that I explored and idk how the houses are even buring
What are the best Minecraft Myths you have? I'll make a video on these Myths and test if they are true or false.
Found this baby Drowned with a fishing rod of all things!
Someone needs to tell YouTubers that hardcore, doing something in x days, finding 100% of y; is not a requirement…
AITA for leaving my date at the bar after she insulted my kids?
Parents, what has been the biggest problem you have had when your physical appearance does not match that of your children?
At what point is it considered a addiction??
My 3 year old's Collection
Can we please stop messing around and all agree this is trash?
AITA for being annoyed that my wife is getting a surprise tattoo?
I suck at redstone but I made a working lighthouse all on my own!
Need some help
Possible MJ 1:64 shortage in Walmart?
AITH for considering ending my guardianship of my 17y sister due to an argument?
Do Americans really eat dinner at 6PM?
Unique girl names that start with a K?
Since it comes out in a month, are you actually excited
These dresses are considered some of the worst looks is Oscars history. Thoughts?