All 20 students of Class 1A in my style
This combination is just lol
you can swipe dw
Name any character from any game, and i'll show you my design
Their getting smarter fr - just wait till I get that tank then I'm coming for y'all asses
The amount of times I got ulted on by Iron Man as a support/strategist is too many
Ignore me also going duelist
Literally so annoying when you die during the ult
I mean i know it chapter 5 didn’t release yet but let be honest we’re probably going to beat him again
Huggy and the player at the end of chapter 4
My and probably Some others people’s reactions
season 2?
Mantis be different than the rest of the support
Or any character that can fly
When should i watch lone star?
Idk title?
You can swipe.trust me
Like why can't it just stay
Its like it can move