Should behemoths be brought back in bf6
what do we think the pre order bonus' will be
¿Verdad o mentira?
Where does GTA 6 rank among the greatest human accomplishments?
It's been xxx day's since.. STOP!
Around 50 fps in GTA VI?
It’s been nearly 500 days…
Vale la pena comprar una play station 4 actualmente?
How would you feel if the last GTA V ONLINE DLC was a death or a heist going wrong for your character and forcing him to escape to Vice City with nothing on his pocket?
F1 coverage today:
Must Be the Water
¿Como Mexicano crees que sea moralmente correcto comprar videojuegos hechos en China o USA en estos momentos?
No milk expiry date is seriously annoying me…
Digital Foundry thinks GTA 6 will be 30 FPS on consoles
He's back!
Did BO6 ruin the game?
They can't win
Mi cambio despues de 3 años
I hope they add Freebird
We actually got GTA 6 before GTA 6
He never left
You all been quiet about "Violence" in GTA6, will it be REALLy advanced or Not?
Which games releasing this year are a day one must purchase for you?
Why does everyone in this sub want everything but GTA?