Iqaluit man given shorter sentence for attempted murder, forcible confinement
The more Canadians get to know this guy, the less they're going to like him.
Canada took in five times more immigrants than housing starts
Mark Carney Argues with Reporters Over his Conflicts of Interest
New Poll: A Majority Of Both White And Non-White Canadians Think Immigration Is Too High
Are you a new Conservative voter, or a longtime Conservative voter?
So Canadian "Patriots" are okay with Mark Carney calling Canada European?
Half of Canadians favour joining EU — Carney says Canada is 'the most European of non-European countries'
Parliament has not been in Session since December 17, 2024
Canada's Carney makes statement by choosing Europe, not US, for first foreign trip
Anita Anand posts a Article stating "Canada has lacked the “visionary leadership” required to fulfill our national destiny"
Does anyone seriously believe this guy is good at speaking? Zero Rizz
LIVE: Axe the Liberal carbon tax on Canadian industries
Mark Carney is what Team Canada thinks Trump Is
Poilievre says he'll repeal carbon price law, including the industrial charge
Liason has been doing a daily poll paid for by the group in the link that has had the liberals ahead on everyone. This is being tracked by 338 and seems rather suspicious.
Random on X says some CPC voters are purposely trolling polls to trigger election
Long Time Conservative Strategist talks about the current and future Election Climate
Odd voting patterns in this sub lately. Bots?
Conservatism’s Crossroads: Rejecting Extremism to Protect Our Principles
Election will be called on Sunday, and voting day is May 5th.
Using Liberals Logic against Liberals: MaRk CaRnEy Is EnDoRsEd By TrUmP
What do you think the biggest misconception about the CPC is?
BREAKING: Axing the Liberal carbon tax on Canadian industries
Not too optimistic about election